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University Certificate in Hydrogen applications and technologies

Coming soon

Europe has set its sails for a journey towards a low-carbon, zero-emission energy future. To become climate-neutral by 2050, the European energy system is facing an important energy system transition. Renewable and low-carbon gases, such as hydrogen (H) have been attributed a central role in this transistion.

Hydrogen - with atomic number 1 - is the lightest, simplest and most abundant element in the universe known. At the same time hydrogen has a highly multifaceted and versatile nature. It makes up the largest part of the sun and gaseous planets, and occurs naturally on earth in compound forms, such as the hydrocarbons found in natural gas, coal and petroleum. Hydrogen can be used as energy carrier to store energy, which upon release has a remarkably clean byproduct, since hydrogen in reaction with oxygen merely gives water. Producing hydrogen, storing hydrogen, transporting hydrogen, and applying hydrogen energy systems are all research & innovation areas in expansion.

In the framework of a European Hydrogen Strategy, Europe is investing substantial sums in hydrogen projects, giving also an increased need for hydrogen trained employees and thus an increased need for training programs.

This lifelong learning program leading to an ULB certificate, aims to contribute filling in this gap. ULB has renowned hydrogen experts among its staff, actively conducts hydrogen research, has hydrogen related equipment, and has also a vast network of hydrogen related partners and consortiums. In the program, hydrogen will be presented as a flexible energy carrier, and its potential as renewable fuel in a series of domains and applications will be questioned and assessed. Safety aspects will be also adressed. A mix of courses, technical site visits and seminars by invited speakers tackling case studies from the field, will allow passing on hydrogen knowledge whilst cultivating a pragmatic perspective on the hydrogen value chain.

Target audience

This program aims to train candidates with a higher-education degree in science and/or technology, who are or would like to be active in the hydrogen field - a growing niche. Candidates could be young graduates, professionals who want to make a transition towards hydrogen systems or non-employed people who want to reorient themselves professionally.

Part of the candidates are expected to work already in energy related sectors, for which the energy transition is a current and recurrent issue, requiring a permanent follow-up of technological evolutions. Such as:

  • Mobility & transport
  • High heat industrial processes
  • Electricity
  • Storage
  • Heat/heating

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Mis à jour le 8 décembre 2022